WeLoveU held ‘Save the World Global Forum 2019'
WeLoveU held ‘Save the World Global Forum 2019'
Looking for ways to build a global network for sustainable life-saving
Copyright © Intl. WeLoveU Foundation. All Rights Reserved. |
Blood donation is one of the ways to save
those who suffer from disasters and illnesses without warning from all over the
world. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended to establish blood
policies, institutions and structures, at the national level, to provide safe
and appropriate blood for patients in need of transfusion through the 'Global
Status Report on Blood Safety and Availability (2016)’.
The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation held (Chairwoman
Zahng Gil-jah) the 'Save the World Global Forum 2019’ on May 23 in Incheon
Songdo Convensia Premier Ballroom on the theme of 'Building a global network
for sustainable life-saving'.
WeLoveU, that has been steadfastly
deploying the worldwide Blood Drive campaign, described the purpose of the Global
Forum as follows:
"We have prepared this Forum to save
lives in crisis and seek sustainable peace and happiness with the love of
mother who considers 7 billion human beings as a family of the global
Life-saving efforts and Establishing Global Networks
On that day, more than 300 people from all walks of life including diplomats, university students and citizens from 17 countries such as the United States, Britain, France, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece, Spain, Germany and Australia participated in this forum.
On the opening ceremony, Chairwoman Zahng
Gil-jah of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation said, "Even though Blood Drive is
the only way for saving lives, the supply of blood is so low against the demand
because of wrong bias. So the role of government agencies and NGOs is really
important in correcting misunderstandings and prejudices against Blood Drive
for citizens’ interest and participation. I hope that this forum would become
an opportunity to enlighten citizens to love for mankind and world peace."
Through a video message, Richard Blumentahl
the senator of the United States said that “Blood Drive is saving lives, every
day, a lot of all over the world.” and supported the Forum on the subject
Sustainable Life-Saving Efforts. He said to have been impressed by the
enthusiasm and dedication of volunteers while directly participating in the
volunteer work of WeLoveU Foundation conducted in Connecticut last year. He
told that he fully supported the global welfare activities of WeLoveU
Virgilio Paredes Trapero of the Honduran
Ambassador to Korea said that "The most important thing in the world is
life, and blood is life. I expect that (through today’s Forum) many countries,
governments and NGOs will participate in the Blood Drive together with the WeLoveU
Foundation and contribute to the benefit of the whole world.”
A keynote speaker, Peter Dawkins the Chief
of United Nations DGC Web Services Section introduced life-saving strategy by
connecting blood donation with UN SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals) to
solve human universal problems, environmental problems and Economic and Social
Seeking the role of government agencies, academic institutions and NGOs
Gustavo Adolfo Cruz Gomez, vice-chairman of
the Standing Committee on Honduras Disaster Response, opened the door to a
government session. The theme of the lecture was "Honduras Government
Disaster Prevention". The vice-chairman described the importance of
life-saving and explained the disaster and national disaster response system
that threatened Honduras.
Helen Jandila Ayala Bustyos, general director
of Ecuador Health and Welfare Department National Hospital, published 'The
subject of Ecuador Public Health Department's National Blood Program' and Rosa
Esther Ojeras Souaso, general secretary of the Metropolitan Area of Chile
Ministry of Health focused on 'The features of Chilean blood service and Blood
Drive'. Using graphs and various visual data, we showed the current status of Blood
Drive in each country and shared the blood management system of the authorities
searching for advanced cooperation.
NGO session started with the theme
"Building a network for sustainable life-saving" from speech of Kim Joo-cheol,
the vice-chairman of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation. He resolved misunderstanding
about blood donation by suggesting medical and scientific data and stressed
"The life-saving campaign should be activated to create a voluntary blood
donation culture." And he stated "Let’s strengthen the capacities of various
international organizations, Governments and NGOs and form a relief cooperation
system by building network."
Jenna Alkhara Golli (Iraq), the founder of
WeDoHelp, the NGO which helps orphans, victims, children with disabilities and
victims of war, reaffirmed the need for partnership, reporting Iraqi situation
with theme of "WeDoHelp's Vulnerable children Support Project."
The Intl. WeLoveU Foundation supports the Article 3 of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to life,
liberty and security of person.” So it plans to consistently prepare many
opportunities of worldwide cooperation in order to make all people live in
peace and be respected without any discrimination.
I applaud various activities of the International WeLoveU Foundation for Life-saving efforts and Establishing Global Networks.
답글삭제What they have done is really great for delivering love around the world. :)
답글삭제IWF is such a great and professional NGO. I support IWF's Global Forum and worldwide efforts to take care of environment and ppl in need.
답글삭제We have many problems we have to solve. But these can't be solved alone but together. That's why IWF held this forum so that wanna make the peaceful and happy world.
답글삭제WeLoveU Foundation always try to leads by example. Great !
답글삭제What a so big fourm!
답글삭제I didn't know that the international forum has been held in Korea. So nice~so nice